Narcissistic Supply
JoinedTopics Started by Narcissistic Supply
Like A First Rate MLM scam The Number One Consumer of Publications printed by the Printing Company *** YES YOU GUESSED IT***
by Narcissistic Supply inlike a first rate mlm scam the number one consumer of publications printed by the printing company *** yes you guessed it***the congregations themselves are the number one purchaser of the publications put out by the publishing company.
that is the lifeblood of any multi level marketing scheme is to make money off of the downline or upline or anybody that believes the scam.. jehovahs witness puchase the bibles and printed nonsense and that is the lifeblood of this billion dollar corporation.
if they stopped donating or buying this garbage the printing company would dry up in a matter of months.. the printing company recieves 9.6 billion of (not only tax free labor) but absolutely free labor each year based on a billion service hours.
The Watchtower Is A Vicious, Pompous, Vindictive, Arrogant.Book Printing Business. (author unknown)
by Narcissistic Supply inthe watchtower is a vicious, pompous, vindictive, printing business.
(author unknown).so what.
you can spend your mornings watching any number of youtube videos that will absolutely make your blood boil.
When the publishing company says that its an issue of Conscience it begs the question. .
by Narcissistic Supply inwhen the publishing company says that its an issue of conscience it begs the on gods green earth can you make a decision of conscience when you have been manipulated and twisted and distorted by ridiculous group think.. how can you make a decision of conscience when your perception of reality is based on trickery, lies, deceipt and isolation.
how can you make a decision of conscience when you are sold down the river by a cult.. you cannot build your house upon the sand.
well you can but it will get washed away.
JW's To Pound Sand In the New System Of Things?
by Narcissistic Supply ina model to explain the jehovah's witness behavior.jehovah witnesses can be classified as two types of people: 1. walking talking narcissists 2. narcissistic suppliers: inverted mirrors of the narcissists that provide narcissistic supply; co-dependents.thats it in a nutshell.
everybody else gets cut off and thrown away by the jw narcissists because they dont provide narcissistic supply.
all of the dynamics of the jehoavah witness relationships are controlled by narcissistic supply to the narcissist.
No offence to this website.
by Narcissistic Supply inbut everytime i spend time here i get angry.. angry at the control.. angry at all the wasted time spent resisting this dangerous group of people.. it gives me pause to remember that i have to go to work on myself.. and spend time and energy on the god given gifts and talents that i have.. and think about the things i want to do in my life.. maybe add to my bucket list.. ive pretty much knocked them all out....... im very worried about my kids.. i want to keep them away from this dangerous cult.. but this is a new era.. the world is changing.. and the internet is helping to change it all.. information is power.. and these jws are in trouble.. .
god bless..
Is The Watchtower Spawning An Entire Industry Of Freedom Fighters?
by Narcissistic Supply in167,000 people cast off annually by the jw's; the number of broken and destroyed families grows to the millions?28 million dollars defending child endangerment?
are you kidding me?10's of millions "mentally diseased apostates" undermining the real estate laundering corporation?800 million in real estate sold in brooklyn *recently* by the jw ficticious business name statement?jehovah witness corporation crawling on its belly like a reptile to upstate new york?big money to be made eating the eyeballs out of the corporation?new tales of jw horror published daily?
Applying the Heritage Foundation Study of Immigration to jehova witness immigrants and non immigrant jeho witnesses
by Narcissistic Supply inapplying the heritage foundation study of immigration to jehova witness immigrants and non immigrant jeho witnesses> conclusion: an enormous drag on society.this is a study apply the heritage foundations study on immigration to jehova witnesses who immigrate to the united states and applying these figures to a larger population of jehova witnesses and projecting their cost to society as a whole.. the justification for generalizing between a population of immigrants and a population of jehova witness immigrants is based on similar metrics in the populations.
this is not typical for statistical analysis but its my website and i feel like violating some rules of methodology.. im not going to raise questions regarding the methodology because this is, in fact, a case study.
in the case of my mother in law the metrics are entirely accurate.. the american public and american taxpayer supports these jw immigrants in their hunt to obtain narcissistic supply and consume the benefits that society has to offer.. this is an application of the numbers presented by the heritage foundation and its a projection of those figures on to the 1 million jeho witnesses in the united states and a projection on to the 7 million jehos world wide and their drap on society.
I have awarded my kids a license to do whatever they want in this world.
by Narcissistic Supply ini have awarded my kids a license to do whatever they want in this world.
i have given them a license for freedom from the wrath of the jehova witness cult.
i dont know if i should celebrate or cry.
Bait and switch at baptism
by Narcissistic Supply inbait and switch at baptism may be appalling to some but its the ticket to prosperity for the publishing blows my mind that people will fall victim to a corporation that doesnt even exist in most states.. they can drag you in to superior court for breach of contract if you dont abide by their bait and switch at baptism????
did you promise to pay them any money when they put your head under water and tricked you????.
no i dont think so!!!
Napolean Hill says that your subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between a penny and a million dollars.
by Narcissistic Supply init will empower you to whatever you feed it.
you can feed it good thoughts or you can feed it disempowering beliefs.
it will work towards achieving whatever it is fed.